The ancient Greeks had a word to describe the human experience. They called it your “metron” or the circle from within which we do life.  Romans 12:3 translates the same word as “measure” and declares that we all have one. It is perhaps what Ephesians 4:13 is explaining to us… “till we all attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a full-grown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.”  Our focus is to build a brotherhood of men whose circles are complete in Christ. Join us and watch God transform you as well. Welcome home!

Every Man Needs a Plan:

At Inspire Church we believe that men need clarity on how to be the best possible version of themselves, as well as the process on how to achieve it. We have a plan, a process whereby you can maximize the value and benefits of this great community of like-minded men. We can help you navigate through this and be the man God designed you to be. To connect with someone from our team, please call

Steve Miller @ 713-453-7000 ex. 257

Join a Men's Life Group:

Life Groups are the “secret sauce” of our Men’s Ministry. Whether you are interested in Bible study, fellowship, missions adventures, or sharing in common interests or hobbies, there are huge rewards for men building community and doing life together. We are constantly adding new Life Groups along with growing the ones we currently have.  To try one out or simply ask a few questions, please call

Ed Cardenas @ 281-793-3972

This Week ...

  • Monday 7 pm: New Men’s Bible Study series. “The Men We Need: The Poster.”
  • Sunday: volunteers needed to drive golf carts (both services) and assist in parking lot. Go to the Men’s Kiosk

Coming Up ...

Imagine a 24 hour camping adventure that builds a brotherhood of complete men by combining physical activities and a complete spiritual metamorphosis…  ALL based on the foundational principles of our Complete Man curriculum?


For more details, or to register, Click below

Register Now

For Men's Ministry news and updates please
text "men" to 713-360-1575